‘We reject the road map given by the FKF Electoral Board’ – Nyamweya

The administrator insists only a roundtable meeting will be the solution to the elections puzzle

Football Kenya Federation (FKF) presidential candidate Sam Nyamweya has hit out at the current office for dishonesty regarding information sharing from world football governing body Fifa.

The Federation opted to share the letter from Fifa to secretary-general Barry Otieno dated August 5 regarding the elections, while the ones dated July 11 and August 2 were not shared.

The administrator believes the Sports Disputes Tribunal (SDT) March 17 ruling should also be exercised as a whole and not a mere part which favours the current regime.

“For the purpose of openness and transparency and for us to be able to have a clear view, the email letters of August 2 and the letter of July 11 should have been made public,” Nyamweya said in a statement obtained by Goal

“Reading from the contents of this email letter, the author selectively and partially chooses to implement the [SDT] ruling.”

The former Federation president states, per the ruling, the whole FKF electoral process was nullified. This included all the processes leading to the purported elections, the voter register and the shortlisted candidates fell on the same premise.  

“It is clear that the ruling by the Sports Disputes tribunal is emphatic on the nullification of the FKF electoral process and therefore the call for a fresh electoral process is not anything new,” he continued.

“For a fresh FKF electoral process to commence on the right footing, such a process should include a comprehensive review… by the stakeholders… [and] should generate a new all-inclusive voter register.” 

Nyamweya is demanding a new inclusive register which should include all clubs from the grassroots.

He has also pointed out that the content of the letter is not addressed to the Electoral Board.

“[The letter] is not in any way addressed to the FKF Electoral Board nor its action anticipated. It is therefore unethical and erroneous for the Chairperson of the Board to claim that the directives were directed to the board,” he maintained.  

“The purported attempt by the FKF Electoral Board to introduce and or amend the eligibility criteria is illegal, ultra vires and void.  

“We reject the road map given by the FKF Electoral Board. We treat it as a well-orchestrated plot hatched by the incumbent, executed by his hirelings masquerading as Board officials, with the ultimate goal of rigging in the incumbent and his cronies.”

Nyamweya concludes by stating a consultative meeting with all the stakeholders is the only way forward.

“We the football stakeholders hold the view and right that only an all-inclusive roundtable stakeholders forum as advocated and driven by the Sports Disputes Tribunal can unlock the electoral impasse,” he concluded.

“We remain committed to the process of having transparent, free, fair, credible, and verifiable FKF elections.”  

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