Niasse: I don’t know why Koeman treated me like that at Everton

Oumar Niasse has taken aim at former Everton boss Ronald Koeman.

The Barcelona coach froze out Niasse when they were together at Goodison Park.

He told The Beautiful Game Podcast: “It was like something really difficult, when you don’t understand why this guy is doing that. It wasn’t something I could understand.

“After Martinez had been sacked by the club, we had two weeks of training after coming back from holiday. And then Koeman called me into his office and told me I’d better find a club, he didn’t think I was good enough to play for Everton.

“I said ok, no problem. To be honest, I tried to find a club, at that point I understood what he was doing. He didn’t want me, I don’t mind.

“I tried to find a club for a month, a month and a half. But I couldn’t get the right offer – the offers I had were going back to Turkey or Russia, because I had good teams who wanted me there.

“But I’d fought for my life to arrive in the Premier League, I’m not going to leave just because one guy told me he didn’t want me. I signed four years, so either I get a good Premier League club to fight to make my dream come true, or I stay at Everton.

“When I didn’t have a good club, I decided to stay. That’s when, two or three weeks before the window closed, he tried properly to push me out, doing all the things he did.

“I understand what he was trying to do. So I said to him that either I got what I want with a move to a Premier League club, any Premier League club was good to me, but if I didn’t have it I was going to stay.

“Deep down, I said I was fighting for something I really wanted. When you fight for your dream, everything becomes easier.”

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