Harambee Stars custodian Matasi warns players not to start from zero training

The experienced goalkeeper reveals his routine to ensure he remains fit for club and country

Kenya international Patrick Matasi has revealed he trains for two hours six days a week to keep fit in preparation for the league resumption.

The Ethiopian top tier took a break in mid-March owing to the coronavirus pandemic and it is not clear when it will resume. However, the St. George SC custodian is not giving anything to chance and he ensures he is doing everything possible to remain fit and ready when the league resumes.

“Before the virus came we usually trained every day in the morning,” Matasi told CGTN TV

“We could train for about two hours in the morning then in the evening I would go to the gym. My body was used to training every day. So if I say I just want to sit without training my muscles will be tight and I will not be ready to go. If I rest and sleep, what next? My muscles will be used to it and when I will start training I will have to start from zero.”

The 32-year-old has also challenged fellow athletes to take the initiative and start training instead of waiting for their respective trainers to feed them with training schedules.

“If you are a sportsman/woman don’t wait for the coach to come and tell you what to do. Some teams are capable of giving their players schedules of what to do every day like Manchester City and PSG; every time they give their players a schedule and players train and send videos to their team’s fitness coach,” Matasi added.

“But in our team [St. George], we are not yet there, but we shall soon be there. It is just a matter of self-discipline for me.”

The Harambee Stars goalkeeper went on to urge fans to adhere to measures and guidelines by the governments regarding Covid-19 to stand a chance of ending the pandemic soon.

“Every time I tell my fans, family, fellow citizens in Kenya and Ethiopia that when we try to follow government’s directions, [coronavirus] will end soon and they will see us in the field playing, doing what they love seeing. 

“I am a goalkeeper and they will see me making saves in the field. Let us follow the measures given by the government and take precautions.”  

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