Watch: Essien’ shares detailed exercise routine

Watch: Essien’ shares detailed exercise routine |

African All Stars

19:16 BST 06/04/2020

Michael Essien, Malaysia

The Ghanaian legend continues to keep fit as he remains indoors amid the coronavirus outbreak

Former Ghana international and Sabail midfielder Michael Essien has taken to social media to share a detailed exercise routine he engages in.

With almost no football activities on because of the coronavirus outbreak, players must maintain their fitness for whenever play returns.

Essien has been sharing a series of fitness-related videos on Instagram since the lockdown began, and in the latest one, he gave instructions for a 10-minute exercise.

At 37 years of age, Essien is clearly not looking to back down and still wants to play at a high level.

His glittering career has seen him win 13 pieces of silverware at Lyon and Chelsea, including the Champions League with the latter.

Essien also earned 58 caps for Ghana, his highlight being finishing third in the 2008 Africa Cup of Nations and reaching the quarter-final of the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.

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