Burnley will run out of money by August if Premier League uncertainty continues, concedes club chairman

The Clarets have revealed their financial future looks very bleak should the current season not be finished

Burnley chairman Mike Garlick has admitted the club will “run out of money by August” if uncertainty surrounding the current Premier League campaign continues. 

The coronavirus pandemic sees the competition currently suspended indefinitely with question marks over whether this season will be completed. 

UEFA have stressed that domestic campaigns shouldn’t be scrapped just yet, with serious repercussions looming for the likes of Burnley should the season not be completed. 

“The fact of the matter is if we don’t finish the season and there isn’t a clear start to next season, we as a club will run out of money by August. That’s a fact,” Garlick told Sky Sports.

“I can’t speak for other clubs and I don’t know their financial positions and all I can speak on is our club and our financial position.

“That is why we are very, very determined that when it is of course safe to do so we really do want to finish this season.

“We voted unanimously to finish the season so it’s clear everyone wants to get the job done. It’s crystal clear that finishing the season is by far the best, if only real outcome for the Premier League clubs.”

Before the current campaign came to a halt, the Clarets were sitting a respectable 10th in the Premier League – 12 points clear of the relegation zone and only four shy of the top six. 

But despite all that good work on the pitch, instability of it caused by Covid-19 looks set to wreak havoc on the club’s finances. 

“Burnley FC is keen to be transparent with supporters, staff and stakeholders and is therefore able to confirm that due to the continued suspension of Premier League games this presents some significant challenges for the football club,” a club statement read. 

“Burnley FC are set to lose around £5 million in lost revenue from the remaining home games which in the event that the season finishes would be unlikely to be recouped owing to the likely prospect of these fixtures being played behind closed doors.

“In addition, the Clarets face missing out cash payments from the Premier League of up to £45 million in broadcasting revenue and other items if the season is not finished. It is believed that other clubs could be looking at up to a £100m shortfall.” 

Liverpool announced on Saturday their decision to furlough some of their staff in an attempt to save money during the pandemic – a call that was swiftly condemned by the club’s former players

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