AIFF intervenes after Chennai City FC accuse FC Pune City of tapping up Nestor Gordillo

Indian Super League (ISL) side FC Pune City are embroiled in a tussle with I-League champions Chennai City, after being accused of signing midfielder Nestor Gordillo without the knowledge of the South Indian side.

The Spaniard, who played a vital role in Chennai City’s I-League winning campaign last season, has a contract that runs till June 2020 with the Coimbatore-based side.

But the I-League champions have alleged that FC Pune City secured his signature for the upcoming season without their consent or knowledge. The Coimbatore-based side have approached the All India Football Federation (AIFF) regarding the same.

The Indian FA have now sent a letter to the ISL side and the player, seeking an explanation.

“We have him (Nestor Gordillo) under contract till June 2020.  When we came to know that other clubs were trying to sign him, we asked him and his agent whether they had signed any contract via written communication. They categorically denied the same,” a top Chennai City official told Goal.

“We were happy that we could plan for the upcoming season with Gordillo but then things turned strange. Gordillo tried to get his contract cancelled with us which is when we came to know that Pune City have signed him without informing us. So, we have shared all the communication and proof with the AIFF and have asked them to intervene.”

“We have done a lot of work in scouting and identifying a talent like Gordillo before bringing him to India. And now that he has played so well, to turn his head and lure him away is not right, ” he further added.

Nestor Gordillo Chennai City FC I-League 2018-19

Nestor Gordillo Chennai City FC I-League 2018-19

The AIFF will now wait for the reply before deciding on the next course of action.

Pune City CEO Gaurav Modwel denied the accusations when Goal contacted him. “The AIFF enquired with us because Chennai City had raised a concern with them. I do not know of any evidence or anything regarding this. I don’t know on what basis this accusation is being levelled. The AIFF has just asked us to present our views and asked us if it was true or not. We have declined the same and filed our reply. We have not signed Nestor Gordillo.”

Based on the reply of the player and the evidences presented, the Players Status Committee of the AIFF will take a call on the same.

Nestor Gordillo had a brilliant season for Chennai City, scoring eight goals from midfield apart from providing numerous assists. It must be seen where he ends up in the middle of this tug of war.

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