The two possible outcomes of UEFA Ronaldo investigation; meeting today | English News

21 March at 10:00

Judgement day has arrived for Cristiano Ronaldo. Juventus’ 34-year-old striker has been under the spotlight since the hat-trick he scored against Atletico Madrid to put Juventus in the UEFA Champions League quarter-final. After winning the match, Ronaldo celebrated in front of the Atletico fans with the same celebration used by Atleti head coach Diego Simeone in the first leg.

Although Simeone largely escaped any disqualification, Ronaldo may not be so lucky. Today, the UEFA disciplinary committee meets to discuss what should happen to Ronaldo, who faces one of two outcomes.

The first is that the player is fine, in the same way that Atletico’s Diego Simeone was. Alternatively, the other outcome is that he is faced with a ban which will mean the forward misses Juve’s first game against Ajax. If the latter occurs, Juventus will appeal to CAS for the ban to be revoked.

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