Ligue 1 club manager says Manchester United target is perfect for Juventus


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15 Feb 2019, 20:16 IST

Is this bad news for Manchester United?

Is this bad news for Manchester United?Is this bad news for Manchester United?

What’s the story?

Lyon manager Bruno Genesio has lauded Tanguy Ndombele for his abilities as a player. The French midfielder has been linked with Manchester United, Manchester City, and Juventus but according to his coach, he would be a good fit for the Old Lady.

In case you didn’t know…

Tanguy Ndombele has courted the interest of top clubs due to his performances for Lyon. He has made four assists in 22 leagues matches and could be playing his last season in France.

The heart of the matter…

And now, his manager has openly vouched for a move to Juventus for him while claiming that he is a midfielder who could score 8-10 goals in a season. He also praised all-round abilities as a player and stated that he has what it takes to play for the Old Lady somewhere down the line. 

“I do not like comparisons, but in fact, Ndombele can be a new Pogba,” he said.

“Tanguy can play in all the roles of the median, he started scoring, but in the future I expect him to grow in terms of goals: he must become a midfielder with 8-10 goals per league.

“Tanguy will become a top club midfielder so I would not be surprised to see him at Juventus in the future. But as I am his coach, I would like to enjoy him a little more here at Lyon.”


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What’s next?

The way Ndombele has been playing, it is going to be very hard for Lyon to keep him beyond this season. He is set to play against Barcelona in the Champions League in a few days’ time and if he comes up with a great performance, we may hear a lot more stories about him being wanted by some of biggest European clubs. 

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Write for multiple platforms with interest in both football and cricket. Have a tendency to be on the dark side.

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