AC Milan to appeal UEFA FFP sanctions at CAS


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25 Dec 2018, 01:57 IST

SanSiro - croppedSan Siro, home of AC Milan

AC Milan will appeal against UEFA sanctions for breaching Financial Fair Play regulations to the Court Arbitration of Sport (CAS).

After seeing a ban from this season’s Europa League overturned by CAS in July, Milan have announced their intention to contest the “proportionate disciplinary measure” this month handed down by the adjudicatory chamber of UEFA’s Club Financial Control Body (CFCB).

The punishments included the Serie A giants having €12million of their revenues from the 2018-19 Europa League withheld and an order to be break-even compliant by June 30, 2021, to avoid a ban from continental competition in 2022-23 and 2023-34.

Milan were also to be restricted to registering 21 players in their squad for UEFA tournaments over the next two seasons.

However, the club confirmed on Monday they will be appealing to CAS.

A statement read: “AC Milan, after taking not of the decision issued by the adjudicatory chamber of UEFA’s Club Financial Control Body (CFCB), expresses its disappointment and announces it will be appealing the decision to the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne.”

Milan were eliminated at the Europa League group stage following a 3-1 defeat to Olympiacos on December 13.

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