Tottenham’s Mauricio Pochettino: No need to reassure Daniel Levy about my future

Mauricio Pochettino admits Daniel Levy is unamused by the speculation about his future but says he feels no need to reassure his chairman about his commitment to Tottenham.

Pochettino has been linked with Real Madrid and Manchester United but stated last month that he wants to win silverware with Spurs, while he stressed last week that he feels valued by Levy.

But he admits Levy finds it harder to laugh off the rumours.

“No, he doesn’t laugh!” said Pochettino. “I don’t get bored [by the reports] but he maybe is worried, is concerned about [them]. But it’s normal. It’s not nice for Daniel to hear all that, of course.

“Do I feel I need to reassure him? No, because in football there are many things that you don’t need to [say].

“It’s like when the sporting director or the president appears and they say, ‘No, no, the manager is going to [stay] here, we trust in him.’ Then they lose the next game [and they’re] out. If you reassure something it’s because you’re thinking in a different [way]!”

Pochettino joked: “[It’s] because [Levy] is a worry man! He suffers, because he’s jealous about me. It’s normal, no? He’s very jealous, because of the rumours, eh? But I don’t know if there are some offers or not that he knows about, if he has or not.”

Pochettino has praised his boss’s selflessness and believes Levy deserves great appreciation for his tireless work on the new stadium.

“After four-and-a-half years we have shared a lot of different moments,” said the Argentinian. “He’s not an easy man, but he’s so passionate about creating things for the fans and the staff and the players.

“All that he’s doing, it’s not for him. One example — he built the lodge here. It’s a five-star boutique hotel. I asked him when he’s going to come and sleep there and he said, ‘No, no, not for me. That’s for you and the players.’

“He’s always thinking to do things for other people and, of course, for the fans. That’s a fantastic thing but the people sometimes struggle to understand because how they judge him is like about results.

“The team wins and the praise is for the players, the coaching staff or the manager. When we lose, the first is him that the people blame — sometimes deserved, sometimes no.

“No, I think he deserves a fantastic recognition because what he’s doing, him and the board, is a fantastic thing for the club and it’s going to be there forever.

“The chairman is suffering a lot because he’s so tired about work. I think in the last few months he didn’t sleep because he’s trying to deliver the stadium.

“That’s why I think he needs to feel the love from the fans and the club, because he’s working so hard — too hard — to leave a legacy forever.”

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