UEFA charge Romania for racism and misconduct during Nations League tie

UEFA charge Romania for racism and misconduct during Nations League tie

  • UEFA have charged Romania for incidents during their draw with Serbia
  • Federation says ‘racist behaviour’ targeted their neighbours and rivals Hungary
  • Romania fans also held up a banner linking refugees to terrorism on 
  • Sanctions could apply when Romania host Lithuania in Nations League on Nov 17

Associated Press Reporter

UEFA has charged the Romanian soccer federation with fan misconduct for racist chants and banners at a Nations League game.

UEFA says the ‘racist behaviour’ includes incidents targeting Romanian neighbor Hungary when the national team played to a 0-0 draw against Serbia on Sunday.

Romania fans also held up a banner linking refugees to terrorism, and a video posted on social media showed fans chanting a slogan supporting Serbia’s territorial claim to Kosovo.

The Romania soccer federation have been charged by UEFA for fan misconduct on Sunday

The Romania soccer federation have been charged by UEFA for fan misconduct on Sunday

UEFA says its disciplinary panel will meet on October 25 to judge the charges, which include fans invading the field and lighting fireworks at the national stadium in Bucharest on October 14.

Sanctions could apply when Romania host Lithuania in the UEFA Nations League on November 17.


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