UEFA is continuing to reinforce its campaign against doping in football by signing further co-operation agreements with national anti-doping organisations (NADOs) across Europe.
The 33rd such agreement has been concluded with the Anti-Doping Agency of the Republic of Serbia (ADAS).
The meeting was organised and hosted by the Football Association of Serbia (FSS) in Belgrade. In the presence of representatives of the FSS medical department, Dr Miljko Ristić and Dr Miodrag Mladenović, as well as ADAS anti-doping board president and FSS advisor Nebojsa Ivković, the agreement was signed by UEFA’s medical and anti-doping head Marc Vouillamoz and the director of ADAS, Milica Vukašinović Vesić.
Under the agreements, the European governing body and the NADOs are coordinating anti-doping programmes and testing activities, and exchanging information and intelligence which helps in planning doping tests. The cooperation also includes the building up of players’ biological passports under a dedicated UEFA programme.
UEFA is working together with European NADOs to implement a comprehensive and deterrent testing programme in UEFA and national domestic competitions.
This cooperation gives UEFA a full overview of the doping tests carried out on players at international and national level.
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