AC Milan fear transfer restrictions as Fassone meets Uefa | English News

20 April at 10:20

AC Milan’s CEO Marco Fassone is set to meet chiefs of Uefa today to discuss to terms of the so-called Settlement Agreement.

This past December, the rossoneri were prevented from adopting the Voluntary Agreement, a self-managed business plan that would have allowed the club to recover losses from 2014 till 2017.

Uefa did not approved AC Milan’s plan and chiefs of the rossoneri will meet Uefa in a few minutes to discuss the next steps to take.

According to La Gazzetta dello Sport, the rossoneri will surely be fined for their losses but the club’s biggest fear is a transfer restriction for the next few summer windows.

AC Milan, in fact, may be forced to sell players before signing news ones. For example: if the rossoneri want to buy one player worth € 80 million they’d have to sell one for the same fee before. These restrictions will be valid for European competitions and are the same that Inter had had in the previous transfer campaigns.

Chiefs of the rossoneri will do everything they can to avoid these restrictions.

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