Giuseppe Rossi wants two more years in Europe before potential MLS move – agent

Giuseppe Rossi, right, wants to stay in Europe.

The agent of Genoa forward Giuseppe Rossi says that remaining in Europe is his priority for the next two seasons, after which he may consider a move to MLS.

The 31-year-old has struggled with injuries since making a bid to revive his career in Serie A this year, appearing for just a total of 51 minutes for the Grifone so far, but the Ligurian club do have an option to prolong his contract by another year.

His agent Andrea Pastorello says his client is grateful for that option since he does not yet feel ready to return to the United States, the country of his birth.

“Giuseppe wants to continue playing in European football for at least another two years,” Pastorello told TuttoMercatoWeb when asked about the appeal of MLS. “As I’ve said already, Genoa — where he has been made to feel really welcome — have the priority, then we could consider other situations, but he still intends to stay in Europe.”

But Pastorello also said staying on with Genoa is not guaranteed.

“This is how the situation is: at the end of the season, we will analyse the situation with the club to understand what the options are,” the agent said. “It was Genoa who asked for the option for another year to be put into his contract and we were delighted to insert it. It was an important show of faith.”

Pastorello hopes that Rossi will still get a chance to make an impression in the final eight games of the season with his injury troubles now behind him.

“Absolutely — Giuseppe’s fine now and he’s just waiting for his chance to show his value and contribute to Genoa staying up,” Pastorello said. “He’s focused on achieving this objective.”

Ben Gladwell reports on Serie A, the Italian national team and the Bundesliga for ESPN FC, UEFA and the Press Association. @UEFAcomBenG.

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