UEFA have to come down hard on Liverpool for their Champions League attack on Manchester City – fan safety is essential – Andy Dunn

Getting to a football match safely — whether you are a fan, a player, a member of club staff, a steward, a husband, a wife, a mother, a father, a son, a daughter — should be taken for granted.

Football supporters with a shred of decency should know that.

Never mind all the nonsense about passionate hostility, the pelting of Manchester City’s team bus was an ugly stain on Liverpool FC.

They know it.

If it happened to the bus of an English club on its way to a stadium in Russia, we would be calling on UEFA to close the ground.

Liverpool fans have been charged by UEFA for the scenes before their Champions League clash
(Image: PA)
The Manchester City bus was shattered after being pelted by projectiles
(Image: REX/Shutterstock)

Overreaction? Not at all.

That City were three-down in barely half an hour will make the bottle-throwing morons believe they had some sort of influence on proceedings on the field.

Liverpool went on to win the game 3-0
(Image: REX/Shutterstock)

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We cannot hammer disgraceful behaviour in foreign territories but gloss over it on our own soil.

When UEFA pass judgement at the end of the season, nothing less than a stadium closure, suspended until a repeat incident, will suffice.

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Should Liverpool ban the fans who threw objects at the Manchester City team bus?


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