Gor Mahia risk missing Caf Champions League slot in new FKF directive

The federation has now stated the team that will be on top by June 30 will earn an automatic continental slot

Gor Mahia risk missing a Caf Champions League slot for the 2021/22 season after Football Kenya Federation adopted a new method to select the country’s representative.

In a statement in possession of Goal, the team that shall be leading as of June 30, 2021, – deadline provided by Caf for submission for representative clubs – shall be given the slot according to FKF.

“The federation is in receipt of communication from Caf directing that FKF submits Kenya’s representative for the Caf inter-club competitions, latest June 30, 2021,” the statement, signed by the FKF Chief Executive Officer Barry Otieno, read.

“Consequently, and in consideration that the FKF Premier League calendar may not be concluded before the aforementioned date, due to the disruption occasioned by the Covid-19 pandemic, the FKF Leagues and Competitions Committee in a meeting held on May 7 2021, resolved that FKF PL representative shall be the team at the top of the table, as at June 30, 2021.”

Gor Mahia, who have played 15 games, are sixth on the log behind Tusker, AFC Leopards, Kariobangi Sharks, KCB and Bandari. Tusker have been at the top for the better part of the ongoing season and stand a better chance to grab the slot.

Among the top five teams, only KCB have not participated in the continental competition as Kariobangi Sharks, AFC Leopards and Bandari have been there in the last four seasons.

The Brewers last played at the continental stage in 2016; after they won the league title and the Shield Cup under Ugandan coach Paul Nkata. From 2017 to 2021 Gor Mahia have been representing Kenya although their performances have not been convincing, especially in the Champions League.

FKF has not clearly stated how the Caf Confederation Cup representative will be selected. Kenya is always represented by the winner of the Shield Cup, a tournament that was set to hit the quarter-finals stage before soccer activities were suspended in March.

In the 2020/21 season, Kenya was not represented as the domestic competition did not naturally end last season due to the coronavirus disruption.

FKF Premier League is expected to proceed beyond June 30 after it resumed on May 14 following a suspension that was effected in early March due to the rising Covid-19 cases.

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