Ruvu Shooting’s Bwire: ‘We warned Simba SC we play like Barcelona but they ignored’

The team’s media officer says they had sent an early warning to their rivals but they were ignored before the league win

Ruvu Shooting have revealed they warned Simba SC that they will beat them before their Mainland Premier League match on Sunday.

Shooting, indeed, were true to their warning after they silenced the Wekundu wa Msimbazi 1-0, to hand them a second consecutive defeat in the league as they had lost to Tanzania Prisons by the same margin in the previous fixture.

Media officer Masau Bwire has now revealed that prior to the match, they warned Simba they should expect a Barcelona-like display from his side but they were ignored and came into the match underrating them.

“I warned Simba in advance that the way we are playing currently is like Barcelona of Tanzania, but for them, they took it lightly and ignored, and came knowing we are not strong, but you see now, we beat them,” Bwire is quoted by Sokaletu.

“Simba always thought they will beat any team in the league, they have always bragged how they play good football, but again us, we proved them otherwise, we played like Barcelona, and I want to say we can still beat them if we replay tomorrow or even today.”

On his part, Shooting coach Boniface Mkwasa was happy with the performance from his players saying they played according to his instructions.

“In games like this, it becomes easier for the small team to shine because the big teams always underrate you as such; you have to take advantage of that scenario,” Mkwasa told reporters after the match.

 “Our game plan was to dominate the midfield play which was amicably fulfilled that is why we created a chance to score the winning goal. But in the second half, we were a bit down as Simba pressured us a lot no wonder we conceded a controversial penalty which they failed to convert.

“It was simply football made in Tanzania as we have a squad and technical bench which is comprised of Tanzanians as such, if given priority, domestic players can achieve more like the way you saw.”

The defeat saw Simba lose their third spot in the league and they will be seeking to recover when they take on Mwadui FC at Uhuru Stadium on Friday.

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