Osei Palmer vs Ghana FA: CAS announces new date for final verdict 

The global tribunal will not announce its final decision in August as originally planned 

The Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) has once again postponed the announcement of its judgement on the legal tussle between Tema Youth president Wilfred Kwaku Osei Palmer and the Ghana Football Association (GFA).

The new date is September 1, 2020.

The latest development was announced on Wednesday, a day after the tribunal was due to announce the verdict. It is the second successive rescheduling of the release of the ultimate outcome.

Osei Palmer is contesting his disqualification from the GFA presidential election last October.

“On behalf of the deputy president of the CAS Appeals Arbitration Division, please be advised that the time limit to communicate the arbitral award to the parties, pursuant to article R59 of the Code of Sports-related Arbitration, has been extended until 1st September 2020,” a CAS letter dated August 5 reads.

Osei Palmer was among seven candidates who filed applications to compete for the FA presidency. The seat had become vacant following the unceremonious exit of Kwesi Nyantakyi over a bribery and corruption scandal.

In the search for a new boss for the national football’s governing body, Fifa, Caf and the Government of Ghana jointly set up a Normalisation Committee for Football (NC) to run the nation’s sport in the interim.

A Vetting Committee set up by the NC to screen the presidential aspirants proposed disqualification of Osei Palmer for once breaching financial regulations after the transfer of a player of his club.

The administrator, a Black Stars Management Committee member during Nyantakyi’s administration, promptly filed for an appeal upon receiving notification of his disqualification.

The NC, however, threw out the appeal on grounds of late submission and went ahead to conduct the election with six contestants where Kurt Edwin Simeon Okraku emerged a the winner.

Displeased, Palmer dragged the GFA to CAS to seek redress, among his requests, seeking clearance of his name and re-organisation of the presidential election where he will be allowed to contest.

The tribunal initially set a July date for the announcement of their final verdict before moving it back to August 4.

Wednesday’s latest development means Osei Palmer and the GFA will have to wait until next month to know their fate.

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