‘FKF’s Mwendwa misleading the public, promotes sycophancy’ – Twaha

The incumbent has also been accused of misusing desperate branch candidates and threatening those with an open mind

Football Kenya Federation (FKF) presidential aspirant Twaha Mbarak has hit out at the incumbent Nick Mwendwa for what he says is misleading the public and misuse of former Federation officials.

The Mombasa-based administrator has pointed out cases the outgoing office presented to the court and went on to state stakeholders derailed the election process.

“The former FKF president Nick Mwendwa has consistently misled the public that stakeholders have derailed the FKF elections by taking the matters to court while in essence, he is the one who keeps on taking the matters to the Sports Dispute Tribunal (SDT) in an attempt to gag innocent and sincere public servants such as the registrar Madam Rose Wasike and push her to break the laws of the land and threatening her with Fifa ban which is a total misconception of the reality of things,” Twaha said in a signed statement obtained by Goal.

The candidate has also stated the incumbent is also taking advantage of former FKF branch officials who are desperate to be re-elected, and when one shows a different approach; he is threatened to be left out.

“Mwendwa is taking advantage of ignorant and desperate former FKF branch officials who failed to deliver on their mandates and fear defeat in the forthcoming elections; by sponsoring them to take football matters to ordinary courts,” Twaha added.

“He threatened to drop them from his line-up of the so-called ‘Team Blue’ if they fail to obey his illegal orders.

“According to FIFA statutes, such officials are not supposed to be anywhere near football. Our legal team was forced to intervene. The matter has since been dismissed on 9th of July, 2020. 

“He sponsored other desperate officials to launch similar cases in Kericho and Muring’a. However, all the cases were consolidated and are scheduled to be heard in Nairobi.”

Mwendwa has also been accused of overstepping his mandate and trying to force everybody to be on his side.

“It is therefore hypocritical for Mwendwa to call FKF officials who were genuinely elected in 2015 and managed to comply with the Sports Act 2013 as non-members. He believes that genuine FKF members must be his sycophants. 

[Mwendwa] needs to wake up to the reality that sports is a devolved function and he can never, therefore, dictate to FKF members on the running of football activities in their counties and that everybody including him are not above the law.”  

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