‘Arsenal board sold a dream & can’t be trusted’ – Campbell questions broken promises

The ex-Gunners striker says serious questions need to be asked of those calling the shots at Emirates Stadium following the departure of Unai Emery

The Arsenal board may have taken the decision to part with Unai Emery but they still cannot be trusted, says Kevin Campbell, with those calling the shots failing to deliver on the dream they sold to a loyal fan base.

The move from Highbury to the Emirates Stadium in 2006 was supposed to take the Gunners to another level, allowing them to compete with the cream of the domestic and European crop.

Arsene Wenger was, however, to see his hands tied financially by the costs of heading to a new home, while performance levels in the red half of north London have been in decline for some time.

Emery has paid the price for those ongoing struggles, having been relieved of his duties, and the hunt is now on for a new coach.

Owner Stan Kroenke and those working alongside him have called for patience and faith from supporters, but Campbell says such qualities should be in short supply given the mismanagement of recent years.

The former Gunners striker told talkSPORT: “What’s been happening at Arsenal, it’s been coming.

“If we’re brutally honest this board, since leaving Highbury, have made all these promises and haven’t backed the promises up.

“They haven’t backed Unai Emery properly and now the chickens are coming home to roost. Now they’re going to have to do something.

“I don’t trust the board, I’ve got to be honest. It seems like they’re interested in other things than the playing staff.

“There are a lot of angry Arsenal fans now because, remember, they got sold a dream leaving Highbury.

“The fantastic Emirates Stadium… they were told they were going to compete at the elite level and it just hasn’t happened.”

Arsenal will be under the management of interim boss Freddie Ljungberg when they take in a trip to Norwich on Sunday.

The Gunners will head to Carrow Road sat ninth in the Premier League table and eight points adrift of the top four.

Whoever takes the reins on a permanent basis faces a big job in turning fortunes around, with the likes of Mauricio Pochettino, Mikel Arteta, Carlo Ancelotti, Brendan Rodgers, Patrick Vieira and Nuno said to be in contention.

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