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Amid changing of the guard, Rivlin praises IDF chiefs over vegetarian lunch

Israel’s two overlapping lieutenant generals — the highest rank in the IDF reserved for the army’s chief of staff — continue their day of changing-of-the-guard rituals with a visit to the President’s Residence in Jerusalem.

They have also visited the Mount Herzl Military Cemetery and the Western Wall together.

President Reuven Rivlin hosts the outgoing chief of staff, Gadi Eisenkot, and his incoming counterpart, Aviv Kochavi, as well as their wives, for lunch.

“The chief of staff is the chief of staff of the whole IDF. They are the heads of the people’s army, commanders of us all, not of left or of right,” Rivlin says.

Rivlin offers a friendly gibe, highlighting Kochavi’s roots in the Paratroopers Brigade and Eisenkot’s in the competing Golani Brigade. “It is said that when Paratroopers replace Golani on the front line, they immediately count how many operations Golani carried out during their tour. And their mission from that moment on is to do the same number of operations, and at least one more. Gadi, you grew up in Golani, from recruit to brigade commander and became our no. 1 soldier. Your roots are the roots of the tree on the Golani unit badge. Gadi, under your command, the IDF never stopped fighting on all fronts. Fighting between wars is a new kind of conflict – demanding, Sisyphean, draining and difficult. Aviv was at your side during this campaign, with you as your deputy.”

He goes on: “Aviv, in you, the IDF is getting a superb chief of staff. The best of the best. I am sure that you will steer the IDF through the challenges ahead with the same determination that you have shown up until now. You understand the complexity and the weight of responsibility. Now, no one bears a greater responsibility than you.”

The President’s Residence makes a point of noting that the lunch was vegetarian. Kochavi is Israel’s first vegetarian chief of the IDF.

Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi, the incoming IDF chief of staff, left, President Reuven Rivlin, center, and Lt. Gen. Gadi Eisenkot, the outgoing IDF chief of staff at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem to mark the changing of the guard in the IDF’s top post, January 15, 2019. (Mark Neiman/GPO)

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