Transfer Round-up, November 17, 2018



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17 Nov 2018, 19:52 IST

Florentino Perez will want a top signing in January and he might just have found the perfect fitFlorentino Perez will want a top signing in January and he might just have found the perfect fit

Hello and welcome to Sportskeeda’s Daily Transfer Roundup. January is less than a month and a half away and various clubs across the world are drawing up plans to make the best use of this winter transfer window.

The last winter transfer window saw the record for the world’s most expensive defender being broken as Virgil Van Dijk joined Liverpool for £75 million. And in this result-oriented world of football, it’s difficult to predict what’s going to happen.

With that being said, let’s take a look at the top transfer stories and rumours from around the globe on 17th November 2018.

Liverpool could agree to buy Ousmane Dembele from Barcelona

FC Barcelona v PSV - UEFA Champions League Group BFC Barcelona v PSV – UEFA Champions League Group B

According to Daily Mail, Barcelona are open to selling youngster Ousmane Dembele and Liverpool are most likely to rope him in. The Frenchman joined Barcelona on a whopping £96 million deal. But his debut season was interrupted by an injury.

Dembele has shown his class but his off-field antics have often invoked the ire of the management. Barcelona have already paid £4.5m when the 21-year-old clocked 25 appearances and then paid a further £4.5m when the Cules qualified for the UEFA Champions League for the 2018-19 season.

Barcelona have to pay £26 million more by the time Dembele completes 100 appearances for them. Hence, they are open to the idea of selling him in the middle of the season if the potential buyers are ready to fork out a sum in the ballpark of the initial amount that La Blaugrana spent to buy him.

Dembele’s tardiness has become a cause for concern as far as the club management is concerned. He refused to answer his phone and gave the excuse that it had ran out of battery when he didn’t show up for training as he was apparently recuperating from a stomach problem.

However, French team coach Didier Deschamps has also said that being late is quite habitual for Ousmane Dembele.

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Football is a whole skill to itself. A whole world. A whole universe to itself. Football is freedom – Bob Marley

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‘ +
” +

‘ +

‘ +

‘ +

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No results available yet.

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for (var i = 0; i ‘ + data.match_status.replace(/(d+$)/, “$1′”) + ”
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‘ + pointsTable[i].overall_played + ‘ ‘ + pointsTable[i].overall_wins + ‘ ‘ + pointsTable[i].overall_draws + ‘ ‘ + pointsTable[i].overall_points + ‘

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