UEFA Expected to Revise Rules Around Team Bus Greetings Following Anfield Incident

UEFA are expected to take action against Liverpool after the behaviour of a small minority of fans before the Champions League tie between the Reds and Manchester City.

In unsavoury scenes, some Liverpool fans attacked the Sky Blues’ team bus with bottles and other objects, as it was arriving at Anfield.

However, European football chiefs have now given assurance to Manchester City that an investigation into the behaviour is already under way, after previously claiming that it was the responsibility of Merseyside Police.

According to the Mirror, it is believed that the lack of action from local police on the trouble, has prompted UEFA to take matters into their own hands. 

The organisation has told both clubs that any situation where fans can congregate in their masses outside of the stadium and subsequently damage the arriving opposition team bus, is entirely unacceptable and deserving of a strong punishment.

Back in 2016, the Reds received fines from UEFA for a number of small crowd-related disturbances. 

However, these latest scenes are a much bigger issue for UEFA and the possibility of playing a future European match behind closed doors continues to loom, as the case looks to be dealt with on May 31.

Despite the attacks, Manchester City do not place blame at Liverpool’s door, instead insisting that Merseyside police failed to understand the serious threats of fan disobedience made in the weeks prior to the fixture. 

A spokesperson for City said: “We made it clear that we felt allowing fans to congregate along the route the team bus was taking into the stadium could potentially bring trouble.”

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